Adding Team Owners Rotisserie or Pool Leagues This is the window that shows all of the information on team owners. To enter information, use the Tab key to move from field to field. The only information that absolutely must be entered is TEAM NAME.   Note : You may give your team(s) any name(s) you want, however, all TEAM NAMES within your league must be unique. Other information may be added if so desired. For Fantasy Leagues, team owners names and phone numbers will print out if the information has been entered. When all of the desired information has been entered click on the Add button. You can now enter in the next team owner’s information in the same fashion. Continue until all the team owners have been added. Note : As the team owners information is added Head Office automatically sets up the file structure and prepares for the next team owner entry. Therefore team owner information can be edited but the team owner cannot be deleted.